
  • Serenity
  • Serenity
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Our Bouquet of Elegance features a charming combination of delicate peach roses, fragrant white wax flowers, soft peach lisianthus, green thistles, caramel carnations and the warm latte-toned chrysanthemum blooms.
The centrepiece of this magnificent bouquet is the peach roses, symbolising admiration and gratitude. Complementing the roses beautifully are the white wax flowers, with their dainty, star-shaped blooms and delightful fragrance. To add a touch of texture and depth, we've included green thistles. These spiky blooms lend an edgy and wild element to the bouquet, representing protection and resilience. They provide a unique and unexpected twist, adding an element of surprise to the overall arrangement. Finally, the warm and inviting latte-toned chrysanthemum blooms complete this captivating bouquet. The rich, earthy tones of the chrysanthemums perfectly complement the delicate peach hues, creating a warm and cosy vibe.

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